Our Beliefs
Our Beliefs

Our Doctrinal Statement
The purpose of this corporation is: To establish and maintain an educational institution of higher learning that will emphasize the Christian faith in accordance with the principles established in the Bible (the sacred Scriptures) as are believed and practiced by the biblical independent fundamental Baptist churches in Puerto Rico and the United States. To conduct and celebrate activities related to a Bible college, such as Bible conferences, seminars, trips, etc., as long as such activities do not conflict with the beliefs of the College, Bible principles, and the Biblical doctrines on which the College is founded, which are:
- The verbal, plenary and inerrant inspiration of the Sacred Scriptures, both the Old and New Testaments.
- The creation of man by the direct act of God.
- The fall of man into sin by the instigation of Satan.
- The incarnation and virgin birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
- His declared deity
- His substitutionary atonement (sacrifice ) for the sin of all mankind.
- His bodily resurrection from the dead.
- His power to save men from the condemnation, power and control of sin.
- The new birth through the work of regeneration by the Holy Spirit.
- The gift of eternal life by the grace of God.
- The indwelling of the believer by the Holy Spirit, Who enables him to live a life of godliness and service to God.
- The pre-tribulational, pre-millennial return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- The ecclesiastical separation from those who disobey, alter, change, or disregard Bible principles; and separation from worldliness.
- The ordination by God of the local church for the perpetuation and promulgation of His truth and work in the world.
- Heaven, the eternal place for those who are redeemed by the blood of Christ.
- Hell, the place of eternal damnation for unbelievers.
Our Position in Relation to the Charismatic and Ecumenical Movements
Puerto Rico Baptist College does not believe in, has no part in, and does not promote in any way the charismatic movement nor the ecumenical movement and their activities. It is the belief of this institution that the present-day charismatic movement and the ecumenical movement are not of God and have no Biblical support.
Our position, however, is not meant to be unkind to those involved in these movements. Anyone who comes from a church which is involved in either the charismatic or ecumenical movement must know our stand and must realize that the College will not endorse any activity conducted by any church involved in either of these movements.
Our Position in Relation to Music
Puerto Rico Baptist College uses and promotes good wholesome sacred music and does not allow the use of worldly, fleshly contemporary Christian music.
Every Prayer and Gift Makes an Impact
Every Prayer and Gift Makes an Impact
Would you join us in our mission to educate and train Spanish-speaking students to serve Christ? Your heartfelt prayers and generous gifts play an important role in preparing these students for effective service in local churches and Christian schools, enabling them to make a lasting impact for God’s kingdom.